JOMC Changelog

Version 1.0-alpha-14 - Build 2010-01-16T14:32:15+0000

Version Date Developer Action Description
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a MissingResourceException thrown by class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelManager.
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 FIX Corrected an InstantiationException thrown by method getJavaValue of class org.jomc.model.Property for null values.
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 FIX schema updates
  • Corrected text-key selector of texts element.
  • Corrected documentation-key selector of documentation element.
  • Corrected template-key selector of template element.
  • Corrected module-key selector of modules element.
  • Corrected specification-key selector of modules element.
  • Corrected implementation-key selector of modules element.
  • Corrected specification-uniqueness selector of specifications element.
  • Corrected specification-reference-uniqueness selector of specifications element.
  • Corrected implementation-uniqueness selector of implementations element.
  • Corrected implementation-uniqueness selector of implementations element.
  • Corrected dependency-uniqueness selector of dependencies element.
  • Corrected property-name-uniqueness selector of properties element.
  • Corrected property-reference-uniqueness selector of properties element.
  • Corrected message-name-uniqueness selector of messages element.
  • Corrected message-reference-uniqueness selector of messages element.
  • Corrected argument-name-uniqueness selector of arguments element.
  • Corrected argument-index-uniqueness selector of arguments element.
  • Corrected instance-uniqueness selector of instances element.
  • Corrected argument-index-uniqueness selector of instances element.
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 UPDATE Added support for inheriting from multiple implementations to the model and made model validation more strict.
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 UPDATE Added goal validate-runtime-modules to maven-jomc-plugin.
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-25 schulte2005 UPDATE schema updates
  • Added deprecated attribute to ModelObject complex type.
  • Added final and override attributes to
    • SpecificationReference
    • Implementation
    • Property
    • PropertyReference
    • Message
    • MessageReference
    complex types.
  • Added abstract attribute to Implementation complex type.
  • Removed parent attribute from Implemenation complex type and added implementations element.
  • Added reference element to Implementations complex type.
  • Added version attribute to ImplementationReference complex type.
1.0-alpha-3 2009-10-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated class to correct a NullPointerException thrown for missing classpath resources.
1.0-alpha-3 2009-10-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated tools to support classes without package.
1.0-alpha-3 2009-10-01 schulte2005 UPDATE Improved error handling of class org.jomc.util.SectionEditor.
1.0-alpha-3 2009-10-01 schulte2005 UPDATE Renamed mojo parameters javaSourceProcessingDisabled and javaClassProcessingDisabled to javaSourceProcessingEnabled and javaClassProcessingEnabled. Renamed corresponding expressions jomc.javaSources.disabled and jomc.javaClasses.disabled to jomc.javaSources.enabled and jomc.javaClasses.enabled.
1.0-alpha-4 2009-10-04 schulte2005 FIX Build updates.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Updated class to close any writers after merging templates.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by method getDependency(Object, String) of class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager when trying to get a dependency of an instance without any dependencies.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by method getProperty(Object, String) of class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager when trying to get a property of an instance without any properties.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by method getMessage(Object, String, Locale, Object) of class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager when trying to get a message of an instance without any messages.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by method getLocator(URI) of class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager when trying to get a locator using an URI with an undefined scheme.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 FIX Updated class to avoid generating implementation source files leading to repeated interface compile errors.
1.0-alpha-5 2009-10-06 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated class to support overriding templates. Instead of having to copy all templates from the default profile, only templates differing from the default profile need to be added to new profiles.
1.0-alpha-6 2009-10-08 schulte2005 FIX Updated CLI classes to correctly support the platform encoding when producing output.
1.0-alpha-7 2009-10-12 schulte2005 FIX Corrected an EmptyStackException thrown by method editLine of class org.jomc.util.SectionEditor when encountering a section end marker without a matching section start marker.
1.0-alpha-7 2009-10-12 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelManager to correctly maintain the state of an object created using a static factory method.
1.0-alpha-7 2009-10-12 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated command line tool to display illegal XML elements when using the --debug option.
1.0-alpha-7 2009-10-12 schulte2005 UPDATE Added org.jomc.spi.Invoker interface to the jomc-spi artifact to allow customization of object invocations. Added corresponding default implementation classes org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvocation and org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvoker to jomc-ri artifact and updated class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager.
1.0-alpha-7 2009-10-12 schulte2005 UPDATE Added parameter modelObjectStylesheet to goals main-java-classes and test-java-classes of the maven-jomc-plugin.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by the resolveEntity method of the EntityResolver returned by method getEntityResolver of class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelManager when given a null public id.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 FIX Updated the LSResourceResolver returned by method getResourceResolver of class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelManager to correctly support resolving resources of type and to log a warning when used to resolve resources of unsupported type.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a MissingResourceException thrown by the getSchemaResources method of class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelManager when the log level of the instance is lower or equal to Level.FINE and schema resources are found in MANIFEST.MF files.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the 'documents' and 'classpath' options of the command line interface to use the platform path separator instead of a hardcoded ':' character for separating values.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the validateClasses methods of class taking a class loader to correctly build resource names from class names.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Added interface org.jomc.spi.Invocation to the jomc-spi artifact and updated interface org.jomc.spi.Invoker and classes org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvoker, org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvocation and org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager to no longer force the use of the jomc-ri artifact at compile time for customizing invocation handling.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated various classes to support programmatic configuration of defaults in addition to system properties.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Added interface org.jomc.model.ModelObjectValidator and moved validation methods from interface org.jomc.model.ModelManager.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated to support static factory methods in abstract classes.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Added parameters moduleIncludes and moduleExcludes to class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer.
1.0-alpha-8 2009-11-18 schulte2005 UPDATE Added options module-includes and module-excludes to the merge-modules command of the command line interface.
1.0-alpha-9 2009-11-20 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager to correctly close open streams/readers.
1.0-alpha-9 2009-11-20 schulte2005 UPDATE schema updates
  • Updated class attribute of Specification complex type from required to optional.
1.0-alpha-10 2009-11-27 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the help output of the command line interface to include options 'debug', 'verbose' and 'fail-on-warnings'.
1.0-alpha-10 2009-11-27 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager to report errors when initialization fails due to an illegal model.
1.0-alpha-10 2009-11-27 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvoker to correctly call the postInvoke method when an exception is thrown by the preInvoke method.
1.0-alpha-10 2009-11-27 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.model.Modules to not build instances from implementations not declaring a class.
1.0-alpha-10 2009-11-27 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated classes org.jomc.ri.DefaultObjectManager and org.jomc.ri.DefaultInvocation adding the modules and the class loader corresponding to an invocation to the invocation context.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the getInstance methods of class org.jomc.model.Modules to support collecting xs:any objects not bound with a JAXB context.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 FIX Added validation of dependency property override constraints to class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelObjectValidator.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 FIX Updated class to stop the getJavaTypeName(org.jomc.model.Property, boolean) method from ignoring the given type of a property when property any holds a non-null value.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 FIX Removed all appinfo elements with XML namespace from the jomc-1.0.xsd and jomc-bootstrap-1.0.xsd schemas.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 FIX Updated the minOccurs facet of the template element reference of the Message complex type of the namespace from 0 to 1.
1.0-alpha-11 2009-12-07 schulte2005 UPDATE Renamed the implementationName attribute of the Instance complex type of the namespace to name.
1.0-alpha-12 2009-12-11 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the createObject method of class org.jomc.model.Modules to stop throwing a NullPointerException when a factory method returns null.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Updated class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator to use constant report detail identifiers for any caught org.jomc.util.ParseException and org.jomc.util.TokenMgrError exceptions instead of simple class names.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Removed the setElement method of class org.jomc.model.ModelValidationReport.Detail and added a corresponding parameter to the constructor making report details immutable.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Added validation of message templates to class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Added validation of simple type property values or object type values to class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Added validation of property types to class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method public List<String> getJavaInterfaceNames( final Implementation implementation, final boolean qualified ) of class to ignore specifications with a null class value.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 FIX Corrected
Can't find bundle for base name org/jomc/mojo/ValidateMainJavaClassesMojo
Can't find bundle for base name org/jomc/mojo/ValidateTestJavaClassesMojo
build errors when using -Djomc.javaClasses.enabled=false command line argument.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated methods
  • public String getJavaPackageName( final Specification specification )
  • public String getJavaTypeName( final Specification specification, final boolean qualified )
  • public String getJavaClasspathLocation( final Specification specification )
  • public String getJavaPackageName( final SpecificationReference reference )
  • public String getJavaTypeName( final SpecificationReference reference, final boolean qualified )
  • public String getJavaPackageName( final Implementation implementation )
  • public String getJavaTypeName( final Implementation implementation, final boolean qualified )
  • public String getJavaClasspathLocation( final Implementation implementation )
  • public String getJavaTypeName( final Dependency dependency )
  • public boolean isJavaDefaultPackage( final Specification specification )
  • public boolean isJavaDefaultPackage( final Implementation implementation )
of class to return null rather than throwing a NullPointerException when passed a model object with a null class value.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 UPDATE Added attribute classDeclaration to Specification and Implementation complex types of the namespace.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 UPDATE Split org.jomc.model.ModelManager into org.jomc.model.ModelContext, org.jomc.model.ModelProvider, org.jomc.model.ModelProcessor and org.jomc.model.ModelValidator to add support for extending the model by using the standard META-INF/services extension mechanism.
1.0-alpha-13 2010-01-10 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer to support version 1.3 of the maven-shade-plugin.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method createSchema of class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelContext to throw an org.jomc.model.ModelException when no schemas are found.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method getJavaValue of class org.jomc.model.Property to throw an org.jomc.model.ModelException when missing a value for Java primitive types.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 FIX Added missing validation of specification properties to class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated method getJavaValue of class org.jomc.model.Property to support retrieving values from value classes and based validation methods of class org.jomc.model.ModelContext on SAX instead of JAXB. See the CLIRR report.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated method getMessage of interface org.jomc.ObjectManager and the corresponding implementation-messages.vm template to use a var-args parameter for the format arguments. See the CLIRR report.
1.0-alpha-14 2010-01-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated class org.jomc.model.DefaultModelValidator to validate the Java value of properties.