JOMC SDK Changelog

Version 1.0-alpha-6 - Build 2010-02-05T13:26:32+0000

Version Date Developer Action Description
1.0-alpha-2 2009-09-26 schulte2005 FIX schema updates:
  • Corrected selector of schema-key key.
1.0-alpha-3 2009-10-04 schulte2005 UPDATE Build updates.
1.0-alpha-4 2009-11-19 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated to JOMC 1.0-alpha-9.
1.0-alpha-4 2009-11-19 schulte2005 UPDATE Removed deprecated classes.
1.0-alpha-5 2010-02-02 schulte2005 UPDATE Refactored to multi-module project adding artifact jomc-sdk-model.
1.0-alpha-5 2010-02-02 schulte2005 UPDATE Added ListType, MapType and ItemType complex types to the jomc-sdk-1.0.xsd schema.
1.0-alpha-6 2010-02-06 schulte2005 UPDATE Added jomc-sdk-jpa and jomc-sdk-jta artifacts.